A. Suggestions-Lectures-Announcements
December 2011, Athens: “Urge and Motivation of Health Professionals in Public Administration” at the 7th Hellenic Conference on Management, Economics and Health Policies.
October 2011, Agria Magnisias: “Quality of Life Control in Patients of Community Structures of Psychosocial Rehabilitation” at the 13th Panhellenic Conference on Health Services Management: “Professional Specifications and Best Practices in Hospital Administration and Management”.
B. Publications
A new scientific research is underway: “Exploring the impact of organized occupational therapy on reducing relapses of people with mental disorders with potential, social and economic benefits”.
- 2018: “The Effect of the Organized Reintegration Program” Green Unit “of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki on the Functionality and Course of Chronic Disease Patients”, Records – Summaries of the 26th Panhellenic Congress of Psychiatry, p. 252, KOS
- 2016: “The Effect of the Organized Rehabilitation Program” of the Green Unit ” in Psychiatric Symptomology of Occupational Chronic Mental Patients, Journal of Health, vol. 27, vol. 162, 2016, p. 32-34
- 2012: “Therapeutic Gardens of Hospitals: Their Role in Mental Health”, Panhellenic Conference on Psychosocial Restoration-Recovery, Conference Proceedings – Good Practices in Greece, Athens,
2012: “Health Quality: Controlling the Quality of Life in Patients of the Community Structures of Psychosocial Rehabilitation”, Vol. 23, Vol. 136, 2012, p. 28-33, 2012: “The value of the tree”, Journal of Health Inspection, vol. 23, vol. 134, - 2012: “The value of the tree”, Journal of Health Inspection, vol. 23, vol. 134, 2011: “Urge-Motivation of Health Professionals in Public Administration”, Records – Summaries of the 7th Panhellenic Conference on Management, Economics and Health Policies, Athens,
- 2011: “Controlling the Quality of Life in Patients of the Community Structures of Psychosocial Rehabilitation”, Proceedings-Summaries of the 13th Panhellenic Conference of Health and Social Care Services Management, Agria Magnisia,
- 2011: “Therapeutic Gardens”, Journal of Health Inspection, vol. 22, vol. 129,
- 2010: “Environment and Health”, Stigma Magazine, vol. 22,
- 2010: “Environment and Health”, Journal of Ecology and Environment, vol. 27,
- 2009: “Recycling of Plant Materials”, Journal of Ecology and Environment, Vol. 22,
- 2007: “The Greenhouse effect”, Stigmata Magazine, vol. 18,
- 2006: “The Destruction of the Ozone Layer”, Stigma Magazine, Vol. 13.
C. Training Programs
Implementation: Transnational Training Program (180 training hours) “The role of enviromenal space in hospitals in the provided care and its effects on the health quality of patients and professionals” in the framework of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” – CPGF (in greek = EΣΠΑ) 2007 – 2013
2003: Training Program (200 training hours) “Troubleshooting the Hospital’s internal environment. Promotion, Management, Resource Protection – Trash and Waste Management “(CE 501), under the Operational Program” Human Resource Development “- HEALTH PROVISION 2000 – 2006