The Administration of GHT “G. Papanikolaou “- Psychiatric Hospital, Organic Unit Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki invites you to the” Olive & Olive “Festival, organized by the Green Unit, on cooperation with the
Office of Education, Culture, Research & Innovation (in greek = Γ.Ε.Π.Ε. & Κ.Δ.), Thursday, December 20, 2018, at 12.00 pm, at the “Cultural multi-space” O.E.C.R.I. The celebration has a dual purpose; on the one hand, it seeks to enhance and promote the patient’s effort to the general public and, on the other hand, aspires to present the products, while tasting them, cultivated and produced with the participation, care and personal work of the reintegration patients in the Green Unit.

Participation of the band “We & You” at the IET (International Exhibition of Thessaloniki)

Photograph of the group with Health Minister Andreas Xanthos and Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Mr. Stamatis Vardaros.

The “We & You” Group of the Green Unit of PHT participated in the 83rd International Exhibition of Thessaloniki at the Ministry of Health’s pavilion-kiosk dedicated mainly to Primary Health Care and the new reform that is being implemented. Although at the Ministry of Health booth a priority was given to familiarizing citizens with the new system of Primary Health Care, original actions on issues related to Health Education, Prevention and Mental Health were not absent.

The presence of people and the filing of creativity in design and implementation only positively can be evaluated.

Creativity Flowing

PHT Green Unit: Creativity Flowing – In Red – 105,5 FM

Stavroula Poulieni – Fani, Maria, Jordan, Yannis and Georgia cut branches, gather olives, do gardening, recycle, make woodcuts and play music in a place that few would have imagined to be so beautiful. The Green Unit that has begun its operation since 2000 in the Psychiatric Hospital is not just a program, it is more a collective way for people who have experienced mental pain in their lives to regain power, sociability and skills to reintegrate into society, fight the stigma.

The green side

The green side of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki Giorgos Tsitiridis discussed with the Scientific Director of the Green Unit of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, Konto Konstantinos, about the very interesting activities of the unit…