A few words…

“Faculty of Green” (=in greek, “Monada Prasinou”) is an organized reintegration program of “Ψ.Ν.Θ.”(Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki) which started its operation in 2000, aiming at exploiting the environment of our Hospital and its preservation as a pneumonosus in the residential area where it is located. In the course of its operation, needs and conclusions have led to the development of innovative activities through the possibility of utilizing organized action programs of the Ministry of Health, which have proven to have contributed to the social rehabilitation of the mental patients who participated in them.The central pillar in this operation of the Green Unit is the sensitization of the local community and society as well as the promotion of our reintegration patients in the labor market. To this direction, the long-term support of the PHT Administrationcontributes decisively, but also the active involvement of public and private associations and individuals,whose number is constantly growing.